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Showing posts from January, 2018

funky but chic ft. stybuzz

Hey ,my babies! First of all,I want to thank each and every one of you for help me get 45K on instagram. Coming to today's blog post,I'm so excited to show you pictures of this shoot.I received some trendy,adorable and quirky stuff from  stybuzz  .You can search them on instagram  here  . As valentine's day is approaching,you can shop on  to gift quirckiest ,highly cute and trendy stuff to your loved ones. so this is what all I received!!! damn,so cool,right? Make up pouch : OMG!This is soooooo sexyyy!My style is feminine and bold and I'm a makeup hoarder,so you all know my obsession over makeup and lipsticks, I'm always looking for my perfect makeup partner.So I got this and I so love it,I swear! Quirky tote bag- Being too picky I always look for trendy yet adorable and highly cute stuff.Thanks to  This store has always quirkiest and adorable stuff you have always been looking for. Pillow cov